Galleries 3
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Street scenes and particularly street art -- deliberate as in murals and graffitti, or incidental as in found objects or juxtapositions of color, shapes and textures--has always captured my imagination, and I find myself spending more and more time looking for potential "urban imagery" in both familiar and unfamiliar surroundings. The challenge for me is to find a way to reinterpret what already exists, be it the image of a rock star or a small segment of a large mural, a rusted door or broken window. Often the reinterpretation is aided by context, while sometimes zeroing in on a small part of the whole (eliminating context) creates a new message.

Lowertown Nights (St Paul)

Visitors 40
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Ferndale, CA 2014

Visitors 84
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Chicago Afternoon (October 2012)

Visitors 42
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Pillsbury A-Mill, Minneapolis

Visitors 74
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Detroit Eastern Market

Visitors 84
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Whittier, South Minneapolis

Visitors 59
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Uptown Mpls - Rainbow House

Visitors 259
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Glens Falls I: Black and White

Visitors 137
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Glens Falls II: Color

Visitors 142
22 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22
Glens Falls II: Color

Northeast Minneapolis

Visitors 51
7 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22
Northeast Minneapolis

South Minneapolis: Bloomington-Lake

Visitors 34
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Mpls: Chicago-Lake Midtown Greenway

Visitors 71
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Lakewood Cemetery. Minneapolis

Visitors 25
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Uptown Mpls: Lyn-Lake

Visitors 65
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Minneapolis Downtown (NW)

Visitors 34
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

University of Iowa Tech Center

Visitors 19
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Iowa City Streetscapes

Visitors 172
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22


Visitors 9
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22

Inner Cities: Imagination and Transformations

Visitors 212
72 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22
Inner Cities: Imagination and Transformations

Mill City Ruins

Visitors 52
0 photos
Created 27-Jun-22
Modified 27-Jun-22